Sunday, July 31, 2011

Leisurely Sunday Ride

A few of us decided since there wasn't any Chapter rides planned and we all had the urge to go riding, it was to nice outside and I didn't want to sit at home, we sit inside all winter long and the last thing I want to do is sit at home inside the house with nothing to do.  Although, there were things to do like laundry, cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, carpets, cutting the grass, pulling weeds etc.  I didn't want to do the things around the house!  That is boring stuff!

So we all decided to meet at a southside McDonalds on Sunday July 31st.  Well we headed out from home to meet a couple that had just joined the group in McCordsville, IN.  Once they showed up we headed out to our meeting destination.  It was a beautiful morning to ride and I was excited, man I live for the weekendsI was able to ride much at all in the summer of 2010 due to a March 2010 surgery.  So I vowed this year was going to be an every weekend plan, which was to Ride my butt off!

Once at the McDonalds we waiting on a few people to show up, then we all headed off for an enjoyable day!  We headed south again because that were all the great roads seem to be!  This would turn out to be a LONG Day.  People often ask me what do I think about while riding on the bike and my response is usually the same, I think about my surroundings and how great all the beauty is that God has allowed me to see with my eyes and opening my heart to all this beauty.  I also think about the people that have come and go in my life, I think about my childhood, I look at the clouds and see if I can find something that they resemble in life.  I come up with some pretty crazy things like fish, trucks, buildings, animals, people and so on.  Here are a few pictures on the way south:

Now I am starting to get hungry, and as you know we need to eat, so we headed south to the Ohio River to a little restaurant named "Betty Rays - Landing On The Ohio River".  This was a little hole in the wall place and most of the time these places have awesome food, well the food wasn't that great but it was food.  So we ate and had some laughs with everyone and yes I did take some pictures of course:

We learned a little on this trip about the town that we were in, we found out that this town has been in existence since the gold rush and we got a little history lesson from on of our riders.  This is one of the reason why I love to ride, always able to learn something new!  Some things are surprising.

We finished up lunch and headed back out on the open roads that were calling our names.  We headed across and our next destination was a cool and a place again I didn't even know existed in Indiana.  It was the  "Saint Meinrad Archabbey" located in Meinrad, IN.  By this time of the day, we were all HOT, I believe it was in the upper 90's with a heat index of +100 and being on a motorcycle it is even hotter due to the heat from the engine.  Love riding but hate stopping in this kind of heat.  As you will see from the pictures this was an awesome place to see, my husband and I want to go back to spend a little more time down there to explore the grounds and the magnificent buildings that are there.

Now that we are a little rested we decided it was time to head out and head north to get home.  But we had one more stop to make and it was in French Lick, Indiana.  This was a neat place to visitI didn't know this was going to be such a long ride on such a HOT day, but it turned out to be quite an experience.  On our way we in-countered lots of curves and winding roads, this is so great because we went under a lot of canopy covered country roads, and this provided a cool down period while riding.  Another great ride to put down in the books.  Here are some more pictures that I took on the way home!  We actually pulled into our driveway about 10pm and I believe this ride was close to 400 miles.  WOW was I tired, and it took me all week to recoupe and get ready for the next weekend!


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